Health Claims of Probiotics Rejected by European Scientists

A team of experts from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have rejected the claims made about the benefits of probiotic ingredients, mostly found in yoghurt and some health drinks. EFSA has rejected 10 claims from among the 180 health claims for the supplements. Remaining 170 claims are said to not have provided enough evidence of their effects. The manufacturers of best-selling yoghurt drinks Actimel and Yakult have submitted claims that will be considered at a later stage. EFSA is reviewing all health claims made for food products as a result of the introduction of a new EU law in 2006 which directed that all medical-sounding marketing claims must be verified.

What are Probiotics?

It has been proven by many scientific researches that not all the bacteria and micro-organisms in human digestive tract and colon are harmful. Some of these bacteria are helpful and help in better digestion, improves immunity and overall health. Probiotics are dietary supplements that are claimed to be similar to normally beneficial bacteria and organisms found in human body, especially in the intestines and colon. They can be found naturally in some foods such as yoghurt, fermented and non fermented milk, some juices and soy drinks.

Said Benefits of Probiotics

Many researches have been conducted about the benefits of probiotics, which still continue.
  • Probiotics help in the treatment of diarrhea, particularly after administration of certain antibiotics.
  • They are useful in treating inflammation that follows colon surgery.
  • They are also used to treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract or bladder infections.
  • These supplements are said to reduce bladder cancer recurrence.
  • They are extensively used for treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Probiotics may also help in reducing the occurrence of childhood eczema.
However, before taking any probiotics products, one should always consult their doctors.

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