7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags that Actually Work

You don't like those tiny skin lumps on your neck, eyelid, armpits, groin folds, under breast or on your butt and even anus! Nobody likes them, I mean the unsightly skin tags, medically known as acrochordons. If you had already visited your doctor who told you that skin tags do no harm to your health and that you should not try much to remove them, you might be now hating that doctor too. And if your doctor was nice enough to suggest you a surgery to remove skin tags, you must be hating the rate tag for such a surgery! Is there any way out to remove those skin tags from your precious body parts? Yes, there are many home remedies that can do it for you.

1. Try the good old tying method to kill skin tags

Your mother or father might have used this method and now you too can tie down your skin tag to cut off all the blood supply to your unwanted skin tag just to kill it. This method is called 'Ligation'. This method uses a thread, preferably silk thread to tie the base of the skin tag to cut off blood circulation there. Many people now prefer to tie a dental floss or even a rubber band around the skin tag tightly so that it may fall off soon. However, when using a dental floss, it may be very painful as the floss tends to settle in your skin around the tag and causes inflammation and sometimes infection too. So, be very careful in sterilizing the floss before tying it to the skin tag. A thread or rubber band is a better idea to adopt because it is less painful though not fully devoid of pain.

You will need:
  • Thread or rubber band or dental floss
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Anti bacterial soap
  • Anti-bacterial lotion
  • Take a thread/rubber band/ dental floss.
  • Sterilize the floss/thread by dipping it into rubbing alcohol and leaving it there for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap
  • Rub an anti-bacterial lotion on the skin tag and your skin around tag with the help of cotton ball to avoid any infection.
  • Make a small noose out of the thread and put the loop around you skin tag. Pull to tighten.
  • Leave the thread for a few days in this position. It may sometimes take even a week or two before your skin tag falls off after changing its color.

2. Apply tea tree oil to your skin tags

If you don't like the idea of tying down the skin tags, there are many other home treatments that use different ingredients to be applied on the tags. One such remedy uses tea tree oil to cure skin tags. It actually dries out your skin tag from inside out and cause them to fall off.

You will need:
  • Tea tree oil
  • Cotton ball (optional)
  • Anti-bacterial soap
  • Wash your hands and the area with skin tag with anti-bacterial soap and water. Pat dry.
  • Pour few drops of tea tree oil on to your skin tags and rub a little to spread it evenly on the tag.
  • If your skin is too sensitive or you feel irritation after applying oil on it, wet a cotton ball and use this wet cotton to apply oil on the skin tags.
  • Apply tea tree oil for 3-4 times a day on your skin tags for few weeks or till the time they dry off and fall down naturally.
Take precaution while using this oil. Test it on some concealed part of your skin first to see if you are allergic to it. Never ingest the oil, it may prove toxic when ingested.

3. Use apple cider vinegar for your skin tags

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has long been used for a variety of medical issues. Skin tags too can be cured with it. You simply have to dab a little ACV on your tags with a cotton ball for about 3-5 weeks or more if they are really big. However, you can make ACV some more effective by mixing it with tea tree oil and lemon juice for a super remedy for skin tags!
You will need:
  • Apple cider vinegar- 4 drops
  • Tea tree oil- 4 drops
  • Fresh lemon juice- 6 drops
  • Cotton balls
  • Mix apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and lemon juice.
  • Take the cotton ball dip it into ACV, oil and lime juice mixture.
  • Now take out the cotton ball from the mixture and dab it onto your skin tag
  • Lift the cotton ball and let the mixture dry out on your skin.
  • Apply this mixture twice a day for few weeks.
Your skin tag will fall off after a few weeks or it may take some more time but if you want a painless, easy and cheap remedy for your skin tag, you need to be a little patient and disciplined. Isn't it?

4. Place banana peel on your skin tag

Banana is good for your health and banana peel is good for removing your skin tag. Like other home remedies for skin tags though, it will take a few week's efforts to remove your tag from the skin.

You will need:
  • Banana peel
  • First aid tapes
  • Do this at night before going to bed.
  • Wash the area with tags and pat it dry.
  • Take a small piece of banana peel and place it on your tag upside down. The inside of the peel should touch your skin tag.
  • To keep it in place, use a first aid tape or a duct tape.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the tape and discard the peel.
  • Repeat the whole process again at night everyday for few weeks till your skin tag falls off.

5. Use wonderful garlic to cure skin tags

Sometimes people with human papilloma virus (low-risk HPV 6 and 11) are at risk of developing more skin tags. For them, garlic seems to be the best remedy. Garlic has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that come to your rescue.

You will need:
  • Garlic
  • Band aid
  • Cut a garlic clove into half.
  • Place the garlic piece on your tag upside down. The inside of the cut garlic piece with its juice should cover your tag.
  • Use band aid to fix it there.
  • Leave overnight.
  • In the morning, discard the band aid as well as garlic.
  • Repeat the process at night.
This remedy takes only few days to start showing its effect. Within 3-4 days, your skin tag will get swelling and will become red at the edges. You'll experience a little soreness too. Your skin tag may fall off within 5- 15 days or may take a little more time.

6. Try bloodroot herb's paste but with caution

Bloodroot is a plant found in North America which is classified as a caustic medicinal herb and can be effectively used for treating skin tags. This caustic herbs works by triggering inflammation at the base of your skin tag which then becomes white due to lack of circulation. The skin tag, thus. falls off.

You will need:
  • Bloodroot paste
  • Bandage
  • Use some water to make a paste of bloodroot herb.
  • Apply this paste to your skin tag.
  • Use bandage to hold the paste on place.
  • After 2-3 hours, remove the bandage and wash off the area ( you may use hydrogen peroxide to clean the area).
  • Again apply the bloodroot paste and tie with bandage.
  • Repeat for 3-4 times a day.
  • Do not use this remedy for more than 3 days to avoid its side effects.
Precaution: If you select bloodroot paste as a home remedy for your skin tags, use it carefully after consulting with a qualified practitioner. Make the paste by using bloodroot and water only. Never use any other caustic ingredients for making bloodroot paste.

Warning: many patients have suffered from deep tissue damage caused by bloodroot leading to severe pain and disfigurement. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that if you decide to use this remedy for skin tags, use it under proper supervision and with utmost caution and only for prescribed days.

7. Apply castor oil-baking soda paste

Baking soda, as it seems, is one of the widely used ingredients for so many home remedies. For skin tags too. Here it is combined with castor oil to teat your skin tags.

You will need:
  • Castor oil
  • Baking soda
  • Band aid
  • Mix enough castor oil to baking soda to get a paste out of it.
  • Apply this paste on to your skin tags.
  • Use band aid to cover the tag.
  • Leave overnight.
  • In the morning, wash off with warm water.
Repeat daily at night for 2-4 weeks or until you get rid of skin tags.

All the home remedies here given to treat your skin tags will take at least two to four weeks or even more unless specified differently (like bloodroot paste that can't be used for more than 3 days.) So, be patient and use these home remedies for as long as your tags don't come off your skin! However, if you are not that skeptical about using certain harmless medicine, I can suggest a wonderful homeopathic medicine to you. It doesn't belong to any brand, it is a wonderful medicine for skin tags that you can get at any homeopathic medicine store. In fact, this is as natural as any other home remedy because it is made from a tree, 'Thuja,' which is a coniferous ornamental tree. In the 19th century, Thuja was extensively used as a tincture or ointment for treating warts, ringworm and thrush.

Miracle Homeopathic Medicine for Skin Tags Made from Thuja Tree

The medicine is called 'Thuja' – the name of the tree itself. This Homeopathic medicine comes in liquid as well as ointment form. I have personally used this medicine (after being recommended by a physician – an allopathic doctor!) If you want to use the liquid form of Thuja, you need to visit a homeopathic doctor who can tell you about the exact dosage for your skin tag. And if you do not want to visit the doctor, just buy a Thuja ointment tube from any homeopathic store and apply this to your skin tags daily once or twice. However, if you are an expecting or feeding mother, you should definitely consult with the doctor. The days within which you would get rid of your tags depend upon their size and regularity of medicine application. A skin tag resembling the size of a black pepper corn can be removed in just 7-8 days when you apply this ointment twice a day (tested by personal experience!)

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