Anti Aging Pill to Combat Aging - Soon a Reality!

“The finding opens up the possibility that one day we could develop treatments to make old muscles young again” - this is what the Senior Researcher Dr Albert Basson from King's College London has to say about the latest research on anti aging pilll that would combat aging process soon! In simple terms, scientists have come closer to developing a miracle 'anti-aging pill' that will make muscles regain power and strength.

The news about this new anti aging pill is a result of the research study conducted by researchers from the King's College London, Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital. The anti aging research study examined the stem cells found inside muscle that are responsible for repairing injury with an objective to find out why the ability of muscles to regenerate declines with age.

This latest anti aging research has now identified a key protein which is responsible for the decline in muscle repair during the process of ageing. The scientists have found that a common drug which is already being tested as a potential cancer treatment can help reverse the muscle-wasting that occurs as a natural process of getting older. This will not only slow down the process of aging but will also reverse it to keep one young for a longer time. The new anti aging pill which will be a reality soon will work by stopping the debilitating process and prompting a muscle-boosting treatment to keep the elderly fit.

Dr Albert Basson from King’s College London also said, “Preventing or reversing muscle wasting in old age in humans is still a way off, but this study has for the first time revealed a process which could be responsible for age-related muscle wasting, which is extremely exciting. If we could do this, we may be able to enable people to live more mobile, independent lives as they age.”

The study conducted on old mice found that the number of dormant stem cells present in the pool reduces with age, which could explain the decline in the muscle's ability to repair and regenerate as it gets older. After screening these old muscles, the research team found high levels of FGF2, a protein that has the ability to stimulate cells to divide. They found that FGF2 could also awaken the dormant pool of stem cells even when they were not needed. Thus, the researchers made an attempt to inhibit FGF2 in old muscles in order to prevent the stem cell pool from being kick-started into action unnecessarily. By administering a common FGF2 inhibitor drug, they were able to inhibit the decline in the number of muscle stem cells in the mice giving hope of the all new miracle anti aging pill in near future. Dr Basson says, muscle-restoring treatments might be available in “five years, 10 years, it’s impossible to say”.

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